Tuesday, July 18, 2017

✩ Antique Haul: Bed Dolls, Topsy Turvy Doll & More Bailey's Cups! // Hannabal Marie

Hello ladies and gents
I have another bunch'a hauls that I have been collecting throughout the whole month of June and July.
I have no life and most of what I DO have is spent thrifting--so that is why I post a lot about my many various wares than my actual face. lol

This post is going to be specifically about some awesome vintage antiques I gathered at my little hole in the wall shop!

I hope you enjoy your stay and please...do come again!

I found all three ladies. I couldn't believe my eyes. Two of them are actual vintage boudoir bed dolls. Old and in rather beat-up shape but that just means more to love! hehee