Hello ladies and gentlefish
I have been buying and collecting some more stuff here and there.
It's pretty much a hobby of mine to check out the local thrift shop
and see what they might have inside it's walls.
Sometimes I buy one thing, sometimes I buy in bulk...
It all depends on the day and the finds.
I have a post here full of a few months worth of collecting and finding for you all to see.
I don't really know why I like thrifting, some people find it repulsive..I find it therapeutic.
I just love the history and story each piece has...
and that underlining truth that someone, somewhere, had this item in their possession at one point in their life...
and now I have it in my own household.
It pleases me, to say the least, to know that a part of them lives within me.
idk, call it weird but that is just how I see things.
My "type" of find is pretty much anything different and strange.
The more odd, the better.
I have a tendency to get things most people would question me about
because I feel more drawn to that type of specific than anything off the racks of some mass marketed retail store.
This haul here has something inside of it that I have been wanting my wholeeee life.
I won't spoil the surprise, though I think it spoiled itself with the title and intro photo
but I still will keep a secret. lol
Anywho, let us get into this now: