Hello ladies and gents
ghouls and gals
Halloween came and went, as it usually always does, and so I just wanted to post all my fun little things that happened during it...so this is basically going to be a full post of photos of all my shenanigans.
For this Halloween, I tried a different technique when dealing with Trick-or-Treaters. I saved lots of money to purchase an insane amount of candy for the kiddies and dressed up as different characters to scare 'em. So this post is going to be eye candy for some of ya'll as well as an experiment to see which version of myself kids are frightened of!
(The candy we put out for all the trick-or-treaters)
We also kept some for ourselves because well...It was Halloween after all. The lollipops were me and my younger brothers! :D
(Another shot of the candy in it's full glory)
Hannabal doesn't play when it comes to Halloween! Haha!
Me and my brother dressed up and trotted around the downtown area to look at all the fun little houses, and as we strolled down we also went door knocking and, if the people allowed us to get candy, we got some extra as well.
Not too much but just a bit of fun to add to this lovely long day!
I bought some Halloween cookies as well because we need sweets too! Also, cookies are my favorite! XD
A little cute sticker I found in my pillow case.
Candy corn is a must for Halloween. So I spruced up a bowl with all sorts of Halloween-y fun! haha!
Like I said, I bought some cookies. I thought since I was hosting a family party, cookies seemed in order. We can't JUST have candy, now can we?
My pride and joy...Reeses Pumpkin Cups!
I got dem bones in my pillow case!
after we came home from a brief Halloween stroll, we pulled out all the sweets and I noticed my doggie looking all cute, so I took a few snaps!
I think someone's in the Halloween spirit!
I did a paint job before the night was out. Thought Candy Corn would be a nice touch! XD
It's hard to think clearly when I have two men on my shoulders.
A cute little decoration we had, that I wanted to share with the lot of ya!
I reenacted the Psycho
Scene because as my mum was taking a shower and she just about came out
with her towel on...I ran into the bathroom looking like this and she
screamed her lungs out. XD
(Above image from Google Search Engine.)
Here is my take on the famous scene. Don't I just look purdy?!
I make mama so proud! ;D
And to those who couldn't be here to experience the beauty of my facial expressions, I made ya all a gif of 'em! <3

to go with a nice slasher film, A mini pecan pie.
All the bloods me and my brother created.
we had bad intentions for these, so yeah, they were a MUST!
Basically we needed some blood so we could spit it all over ourselves in front of people, parents, kiddies, all the trick-er-treaters.
The broken pumpkin we selected because no one wanted him at the store. We felt sorry for the little guy, so to make up for the lack of selection...we took him home, gutted him and carved him a corny face!
The display I did on the top of my bookshelf.
Here are some of the stuff in my house. <3
Out of everyone in my neighboor, on our street, this was the ONLY house that decorated for Halloween. She always goes all out for Halloween and I always look forward to all her hard work. :)
My pup and doll were all ready for the Halloween fun!
The sign in our kitchen!
The pumpkin and the kat toy during the night time hour! <3
This door flag always fucks up my mind when I get up during the night. Just look at it, imagine getting up for a glass of water only to stumble into the living room with this sight. In the darkness. With the whites of this flag glowing. Not fun, but oh so fucking amazing!
Some hardcore decorating done here. XD
I even decorated the angel on this lamp.
Nosey little rat.
Some sign we had from last year.
My brother made this creepy face thing.
He said he named her Diana Ross.
Pretty pretty pumpkin!
cake my mum made. :) <3
a pumpkin my mom made!
Cyclops woman!
My Hello Kitty Halloween Toy!
I sleep with her all the time but wanted to post her since she is Halloween related!
if you follow me on FB, then you already know about my Marilyn Monroe look I did.
This was basically the "Main look" of the night. But instead of just being her, I went ahead and did a few more others because I was determined to scare kids.
But as the normal monroe I just basically stumbled over to the door as if I was drunk, giving kids candy and singing to them as if they were the president himself. Yeah, most didn't understand who the hell I was but eh. Fun times, nevertheless.
Marilyn MonROT with my blood spewing action.
kids didn't like her much
but that didn't make her stop singing the the song of her people.
Another look I did for the kiddies.
The Next Look I did.
all the makeup prosthetic pieces were created the night before, I just applied them to my face quickly and added some blood.
A clown I did. Because clown reasons.
Kids didn't like me at all.
But the little f*ckers sure took my candy.
my brother and his costume for the night.
he was a monster that jumps out from our garage.
kids cried such lovely sounds!
Then to end the night, because I was tired. I just put on this mask. XD
and to end this post, some jewelry I created a few days before Halloween.
Out of Halloween toys and decorations.
I'm proud of my cheap jewelry! haha!