Hello ladies and gents,
I decided to go with my family to the annual Lodi Grape Festival.
This would be my second time attending this event,
but this was the first time for my brother and the rest of my family.
So, it was indeed a special occasion.
It completely changed from when I first went, which was around 2008 with a friend after school.
My experience, at the time, kept me from ever attending the years following after that.
Not that it was bad, it just wasn't worth the money at the time to go on a few rides.
There really wasn't much to do around that time unlike now.
This year was different.
It actually was bigger and greater, in comparison.
So much more to do and see.
The prices are a bit ridiculous (It's a festival, so what did I expect? lol)
but the experience was a pleasant one.
AND I got to pet so much animals in the petting zoo.
Which was an extremely nice touch for those who couldn't afford any wrist-bands or purchase anything other than their ticket to get in.
They do offer free ticket entrees but if you do decide to attend on the free days,
expect a lot of riff-raff and a ton of fights.
At least, that's how it was when I went the last time with my friend for free.
It might have changed, like it did when I went today but who knows.
Why take the chance, ya know?