Hello boils and ghouls, I have quite the treat for you all today.
Cult Fragrance x The Cannibal Carnival has come together again to create another collection.
Unlike the few before, this one is very close to my heart--
⭐The Autumnal Carnival Collection⭐
"Step right up! The freaks are just DYING to eat...I mean MEET you!
Experience each act! Thrill your senses! Bring out your inner freak!
Stand out from the crowd & smell good enough to EAT~!"
I am going to be showing you each bottle, explaining in further detail and giving you my take on the scents. What they smell like, how they work on my skin and how long they last. You must understand, these scents are no ordinary perfume. Each bottle is a different "act" in the carnival. Each important yet so very different. Alone, they are a spectacle to experience but together they will entice you to return and keep returning back to the carnival. One whiff and you're under the spell...I just hope you don't mind to loose...your mind~