Hello ladies and gentlefish
I have another thrift haul for you.
This time it's not Halloween related, just random and full of some awesome finds.
I don't really have a "theme" when I do these haul posts--I just put everything I get for the week/month/ect inside my bedroom and allow that to accumulate throughout a course of time until something in me ignites and forces me to post like I've been doing now. lol
Just to let people into the reasoning behind these constant post updates--I do a lot of my main shopping at thrift stores, antique shops, mom-pop shops, garage sales, yard sales, dumpster dives, ect. lol
Most of what I get, I truly collect...other times it's just a damn good deal I couldn't pass up.
I either keep it for my own sick little obsession, give it away to friends/family/ect or sale it on the side for some extra income that is then used to support my bad habit all over again. lmfao
What I get I usually store inside this HUGE plastic tub and allow it to gather until I get enough stuff to post for the likes of you all.
I will admit, I have a bit of a problem.
I can't stop thriftng, I truly can't. I love it so much.
I have built up a good enough collection of things for you all today--so allow us to get into it: